Biggest Loser Challenge

Tim Surdyke’s Gold Star Harley-Davidson & Outdoors
Biggest Loser Challenge Rules

  1. All employees and customers are invited to participate (18 and older).
  2. Challenge begins upon individual’s first weigh in date. Initial weigh-ins will start Tuesday September 6th, 2022.
  3. Employees will weigh-in every week.  Non-Employees only need to weigh-in every 2 weeks.  The same clothing must be worn for all weigh-ins.
  4. At no time will the weight of an individual be announced or posted. All weights are considered strictly confidential (unless permission granted by contestant). Amount of weight loss may be shared.
  5. The Final results will be 50% percentage of body weight lost, and 50% total pounds lost. The final weigh-in day November 23rd 2022 by noon.
  6. Winner of Biggest Loser Challenge will receive a Specialized E-Turbo Bicycle. Other prizes will be awarded for most weight lost. Other prizes will be awarded for best scores each half of the scoring criteria.
  7. Participant weight loss due to surgery or childbirth will be excluded from being eligible to win the Biggest Loser Challenge.